Closing the Loop by Operationalizing Systems Engineering and Design (CLOSED)
Specific Aims :
Aim 1:​Use systems engineering and patient engagement to design, develop, and refine a highly reliable “closed loop” system for diagnostic tests and referrals that ensures diagnostic orders and follow-up occur reliably within clinically- and patient-important time-frames.
Aim 2: Use systems engineering and patient engagement to design, develop, and refine a highly reliable “closed loop” system for symptoms that ensures clinicians receive and act on feedback about evolving symptoms and physical findings of concern to patients or clinicians.
Aim 3: Design for generalizability across health systems more broadly so that the processes created in Aims 1 and 2 are effective in (1) a practice in an underserved community, (2) a large tele-medicine system, and (3) a representative range of simulated other health system settings and populations.
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Results to Date:
Research Conference Presentations
International Presentations
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Benneyan JC, Horowitz MI, Terciero M (1994), "Using Computer Simulation to Help Reduce Patient Waits", Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society Conference Transactions, (1):323-342. |
Benneyan JC, Kaminsky FC (1994), "Modeling Discrete Data in SPC: The g and h Control Charts", American Society for Quality Control Annual Quality Congress Transactions, 32-42. |
Benneyan JC (1995), "Applications of Statistical Process Control (SPC) To Improve Health Care", Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society Conference Transactions, (2):289-301. |
Benneyan JC, Kaminsky FC (1995), "Improved Lab Testing of Pap Smears for Cervical Cancer: Summary and Results of Some Quality Models", 49th North East ASQC Conference Transactions, invited, 123-129. |
Benneyan JC, Kaminsky FC (1995), "Successfully Applying SPC to Improve Health Care: Pitfalls and Barriers to Improving Quality and Reducing Liability", American Society for Quality Control Annual Quality Congress Transactions, 578-586. |
Benneyan JC (1996), "Improving Healthcare Systems Using SPC and Quality Engineering: Billing and Laboratory Case Studies", Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society Conference Transactions, (2):31-40. |
Benneyan JC (1996), "Successfully Using Statistical Quality Management and SPC to Measure and Improve Healthcare", 8th Annual Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) Quest for Quality and Productivity in Health Services Conference Proceedings, 143-150. |
Benneyan JC, Satz D, Flowers S (1998), "Towards the Development of an Internet-Based Epidemiology and Healthcare Surveillance Information System", Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems International Conference Proceedings, 211-216. |
Benneyan JC (1999), "Design and Use of g Statistical Control Charts in Industry and Health Care", Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems International Conference Proceedings, 442-447. |
Benneyan JC (1999), "Geometric Based g-Type Statistical Control Charts for Infrequent Adverse Events: New Quality Control Charts for Hospital Infections", IIE Society for Health Systems Conference Proceedings, 175-186. |
Benneyan JC (2000), "Mathematical Analysis of Cervical Cancer Screening Policies", Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems International Conference Proceedings, 1-7. |
Benneyan JC, Borgman A (2004), "A Useful J-Bernoulli Type Distribution for Non-homogeneous Dichotomous Events", IIE Industrial Engineering Research Conference, May 2004, Houston, TX, 1-6. |
Torabkhani A, Isaacs JA, Benneyan JC (2007), "Embedded Simulation Models in Educational Games on Environmental Issues for Engineering Students", IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Environment Conference Proceedings, May 2007, Orlando FL, 61-66. |
Ok ZD, Isaacs JA, Benneyan JC (2007), "Modeling Uncertain Health Impacts and Production Costs of SWNT Manufacturing", IEEE International symposium on Electronics and Environment Conference Proceedings, May 2007, Orlando FL, 85-90. |
Benneyan JC (2007), "Statistical performance of composite versus all-or-nothing measures of core measure bundle compliance: which is better?", Thirteenth International Scientific Symposium on Improving Quality and Value in Health Care, 40-41. |
Ok ZD, Isaacs JA, Benneyan JC (2008). "Monte Carlo Multi-Criteria Risk Analysis of Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Production Processes Under Uncertain Manufacturing Costs, Occupational Health Risks, and Regulatory Standards", NSTI Nanotechnology Conference Proceedings, Boston, MA, 153- 156. |
Ok ZD , Isaacs JA, Benneyan JC (2008), "Probabilistic and Monte Carlo Risk Models for Carbon Nanomaterial Production Processes", IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Environment, San Francisco CA, 1-6. |
Ok ZD, Benneyan JC, Isaacs JA (2009), "Nanotechnology Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues: Brief Literature Review Since 2000", Second Place in Student Paper Competition, IEEE Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 2009, Tempe, AZ. |
Benneyan JC, Jaffee MS, Erdtmann R, Reid PP (2009), "Systems Engineering Approaches and Opportunities to Improve Traumatic Brain Injury Care in the Military Health System", 6th Annual World Congress for Brain Mapping and Image Guided Therapy, Harvard Medical School, 105. |
Benneyan JC (2009), "A Methodology for Identifying the Best Hospitals - Finding 'Toyotas' for Driving Quality Improvement", Fifteen International Scientific Symposium on Improving Quality and Value in Health Care, December 2009. |
Benneyan JC, Taseli A (2009). "Statistical Properties of Composite and All-or-None Core Measure Compliance Metrics", Mayo Clinic Conference on Systems Engineering & Operations Research in Health Care, Rochester, MN, 286-291. |
Ceyhan ME, Benneyan JC (2009), "Longitudinal Targets in Data Envelopment Analysis," IIE Industrial Engineering Research Conference, May 2009, Miami, FL, 820-825. |
Ok ZD, Benneyan JC, Isaacs JA (2009), "Modeling Approaches for Nanomanufacturing Risk Assessment," IIE Industrial Engineering Research Conference, May 2009, Miami, FL, 1725-1730. |
Taseli A, Benneyan JC (2009), "Risk Adjusted Spatial Scan Statistics," IIE Industrial Engineering Research Conference, invited, May 2009, Miami, FL, 2289-2294. |
Musdal H, Benneyan JC (2009), "A Multi-State Fuzzy Categorical Model for Military and Civilian Traumatic Brain Injury," IIE Industrial Engineering Research Conference, invited, May 2009, Miami, FL, 862-867. |
Sinangil, S, Musdal H, Ceyhan ME, Benneyan JC, Watts BV, Shiner B (2011), "Service Location Models in the VA Network", Proceedings of the Institute of Industrial Engineering Conference, May 2011, Reno, NV. |
Erdogan O, Ceyhan ME, Benneyan JC (2011), "A Review of Inventory Control Practices in Healthcare", Proceedings of the Institute of Industrial Engineering Conference, May 2011, Reno, NV. |
Karakus Z, Taseli A, Benneyan JC (2011), "Statistical Process Control Methods for Grouped Data in Normal and Weibull Models with Application to Colonoscopy Services in VA", Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute 42nd Annual Meeting, November 2011, Boston, MA. |
Bettinger B, Benneyan JC (2011), "A Game Theoretical Approach to the Strategies of Competing Hospitals Illustrated with Hypothetical Example", Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute 42nd Annual Meeting, November 2011, Boston, MA. |
Erbis S, Isaacs JA, Benneyan JC (2011), "Modeling Approaches for Nanomanufacturing Production Scale-up Planning", Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute 42nd Annual Meeting, November 2011, Boston, MA. |
Benneyan JC, Ergodan O, Taylor ND, Isci S (2011), "Basic Inventory Models in Healthcare", Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute 42nd Annual Meeting, November 2011, Boston, MA. |
Ceyan ME, Benneyan JC, Uzunlar O, Sinangil S, Shiner B, Watts BV (2011), "Location and Allocation Problems in Healthcare: Colonoscopy Example", Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute 42nd Annual Meeting, November 2011, Boston, MA. |
Musdal H, Sinangil S, Ceyan M, Benneyan JC, Watts BV, Shiner B (2011), "A Multi-Period Location and Allocation Model for Sleep Apnea Services in the VA Healthcare System", Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute 42nd Annual Meeting, November 2011, Boston, MA. |
Mutlu S, Benneyan JC (2011), "Literature Review of Healthcare Resource Scheduling: Methods, Trends, Applications", Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute 42nd Annual Meeting, November 2011, Boston, MA. |
Karakus Z, Taseli A, Benneyan JC (2012), "Relative Performance of Shewhart and EWMA p and g Statistical Control Charts for Monitoring Adverse Healthcare Event Rates", IIE Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, May 2012, Orlando, FL. |
Benneyan JC, Shutt A, Ramirez N (2017), "A Human-Centered Approach to Improving Healthcare: The SEIPS Model". IISE Annual Conference and Expo, May 2017, Pittsburgh, PA. |
Benneyan JC (1994), "The Importance of Modeling Discrete Data in Statistical Process Control", Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference of the Israel Society for Quality, Jerusalem Israel, 640-646. |
Benneyan JC (1996), "Measuring Health Care Quality: A Statistical Quality Management Viewpoint", 6th World Congress on Total Quality, New Delhi India, 576-584. |
Benneyan JC, Sunnetci A, Aksezer CS (2006), "Identifying Healthcare's Toyotas: Production Frontiers, Hospital Quality Indices, and Modeling Issues", International Computers in Industrial Engineering Conference, June 2006, Taipei Taiwan, (published abstract), p. 3596. |
Benneyan JC, Aksezer CS (2006), "Probability Distributions and Variances of Quadratic Loss Functions", International Computers in Industrial Engineering Conference, Taipei Taiwan, 2890-2899. |
Benneyan JC, Sunnetci A, Ceyhan ME (2007), "Data Envelopment Analysis of National Healthcare Systems and Their Relative Efficiencies", International Computers in Industrial Engineering Conference Proceedings, Alexandria Egypt, 251-261. |
Benneyan JC, Harris B, Taseli A (2007) "Applications and Approximations of Heterogeneous Mixed-Risk Weighted J-Binomial Distributions", International Computers in Industrial Engineering Conference Proceedings, Alexandria Egypt, 1910-1921. |
Topcu A, Benneyan JC, Cullinane T (2008), "Stochastic Programming Recourse Models for Reconfigurable Multi-Period Storage Allocation in Remanufacturing Pull Facilities," IIE Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Vancouver BC, 1718-1723. |
Ok ZD, Benneyan JC, Isaacs JA (2008), "Risk Analysis of Carbon Nanotube Production Processes under Uncertain Occupational Health Risks and Regulatory Standards," IIE Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Vancouver BC, 1712-1717. |
Sunnetci A, Benneyan JC (2008), "Weight Restricted DEA Models to Identify the Best U.S. Hospitals," IIE Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Vancouver BC, invited, 1748-1753. |
Ceyhan ME, Benneyan JC (2008), "Data Envelopment Estimates for the Most Efficient National Healthcare Systems Given Uncertain Proportional Rate Inputs," IIE Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Vancouver BC, invited, 1760-1765. |
Taseli A, Benneyan JC (2008), "Cumulative Sum Charts for Heterogeneous Dichotomous Events," IIE Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Vancouver BC, invited, 1754-1759. |
Benneyan JC (2009), "Statistical Properties and Performance of Composite versus All-or-None Evidence-Based Compliance Measures", International Computers in Industrial Engineering Conference Proceedings, Troyes France, 1347-1352. |
Benneyan JC (2009), "Misuse of XmR Control Charts for Common Single Parameter Probability Distributions", International Computers in Industrial Engineering Conference Proceedings, Troyes France, 1303-1308. |
Ceyhan ME, Benneyan JC (2010), "Data Envelopment Analysis Spreadsheet Software for Conventional and Estimated Proportions Models," IIE Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Cancun Mexico. |
Taseli A, Benneyan JC (2010), "Existence and Incorporation of Variances and Probability Distributions in Utility-Based Comparative Effectiveness Analyses" IIE Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Cancun Mexico. |
Benneyan JC, (1994), "The 'Merits' of Merit Review", Executive Summary column, Quality Progress, 27(7):23. |
Benneyan JC, (1995), "Merits of Merit Review?", Quality Digest, p. 7. |
Benneyan JC, Kaminsky FC (1995), Reply to a letter to the editor on our paper in the "Statistics Corner" column, Quality Progress, 28(6):6-8. |
Benneyan JC, Kaminsky FC (1995), "Answers Regarding Process Capability Index Cpk", Industrial Engineering, July issue, p 8. |
Benneyan JC, (1997), "Healthcare Quality", Quality Progress, 30(11):10. |
Stewart A, Benneyan JC, Doughty J (1999), "Participate in Coop", IIE Student, letter to the editor, April, p 5. |
Benneyan JC (1999), "Caveats Regarding the use of Control Charts", Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 20 (8):526-527. |
Green C, Allen C, Benneyan JC, Brandon R, Escamilla S, Linderman R, Minors P, Overfelt F, Templin J, VanTuyle L, Yanko S (2005), "Mandated Nurse-to-Patient Staffing Ratios", position paper published by the Society for Health Systems, August 2005. |
Benneyan JC (2006), "Controversial Healthcare Regulations", Industrial Engineer, 38 (5):10-12. |
Benneyan JC (1996), "Review of 'Quality Management in Health Care' (by L. Wilson and P. Goldschmidt)", invited, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 8(4):390-391. |
Benneyan JC (1997), "Review of 'Measuring Quality Improvement in Healthcare' (by R. Carey and R. Lloyd)", invited, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 9(5):387-388. |
Benneyan JC (1998), "Stat: Fit Probability Distribution Fitting Software", invited, OR/MS Today, 25(1):38-41. |
Benneyan JC (1995), "Deming's k1/k2 Cost Model", chapter in Success Stories on Lowering Health Care Costs by Improving Health Care Quality, D. Sloan, Jodi B. Torpey (eds.), Milwaukee WI, ASQC Press. |
Benneyan JC (1996), "Measuring Health Care Quality: A Statistical Quality Management Viewpoint", chapter in Total Quality: Creating Individual and Corporate Success, J.S. Ahluwalia, ed., New Delhi: Excel Books. |
Benneyan JC, Lloyd RC, Plsek PE (December 2003), "Statistical Process Control Methods to Support and Evaluate Quality Improvement", chapter in Quality Improvement Research: Understanding the Science of Change in Healthcare, R. Grol, R. Baker, F. Moss (eds.), London: British Medical Journal Books. |
Topcu A, Cullinane T, Benneyan JC (2007), "Modeling Issues in Remanufacturing Facility and Storage Space Design", chapter in Environment Conscious Manufacturing, CRC Press, S. Gupta ed., 413-444. |
Woodall WH, Adams BM, Benneyan JC (2011), "The Use of Control Charts in Healthcare", Chapter 13 in Statistical Methods in Healthcare, edited by F. W. Faltin, R. Kenett, and F. Ruggeri, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
Kaminsky FC, Benneyan JC, Burke RJ, Davis RD (1992), "Statistical Control Charts Based on a Geometric Distribution", Journal of Quality Technology, 24(2):63-69. |
Benneyan JC (1992), "Examining Costs of System Quality via Perfect Process Analysis", Industrial Management, 34(3): 13-16. |
Benneyan JC, Chute A (1993), "SPC, Process Improvement, and Deming's PDCA Cycle in Freight Administration", Production and Inventory Management Journal, 34(1):35-40. |
Benneyan JC, Kaminsky FC (1995), "Another View on How to Measure Health Care Quality", Quality Progress, invited, 28(2):120-124. |
Kaminsky FC, Benneyan JC, Mullins D, Haberle K, Burke R (1996), "A Perspective on Modern Quality Control Methods", Acta Cytologica, invited, 40(4):839-846. |
Benneyan JC, Kaminsky FC (1996), "Statistical and Economic Models for Analysis and Optimal Design of Laboratory Screening Policies for Cervical Cancer", Annals of Operations Research, 67(1):235-285. |
Benneyan JC (1997), "An Introduction to Using Computer Simulation in Healthcare: Patient Wait Case Study", Journal of the Society of Health Systems, 5(3):1-15. |
Kaminsky FC, Benneyan JC, Mullins D (1997), "Automated rescreening in cervical cytology. Mathematical models for evaluating overall process sensitivity, specificity and cost.", Acta Cytologica, 41(1):209-223. |
Benneyan JC (1998), "Use and Interpretation of Statistical Quality Control Charts", International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 10(1):69-73. |
Benneyan JC (1998), "Statistical Quality Control Methods in Epidemiology. Part 2: Chart Use, Statistical Properties, and Research Issues", Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Statistics for Hospital Epidemiology column, invited, 19(4):265-283. |
Benneyan JC (1998), "Statistical Quality Control Methods in Infection Control and Epidemiology. Part 1: Introduction and Basic Theory", Statistics for Hospital Epidemiology column, Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Statistics for Hospital Epidemiology column, invited, 19(3):194-214. |
Benneyan JC, Satz D, Flowers S (2000), "Development of a Web-Based Multi-Facility Healthcare Surveillance Information System", Journal of Healthcare Information Management, 14(3):19-26. |
Kraus P, Benneyan JC, Mackertich N (2000), "Use of Mathematical Programming in the Analysis of Constrained and Unconstrained Industrial Experiments", Quality Engineering, 12(3):395-406. |
Curran E, Benneyan JC, Hood J (2001), "Controlling Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus: A Feedback Approach Using Annotated Statistical Process Control Charts", Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 23(1):13-18. |
Benneyan JC (2001), "Number-Between g-type Statistical Control Charts for Monitoring Adverse Events", Health Care Management Science, 4(4):305-318. |
Benneyan JC (2001), "Performance of Number-Between g-type Statistical Control Charts for Monitoring Adverse Events", Health Care Management Science, 4(4):319-336. |
Brown SA, Benneyan JC, Theobald DA, Sands K, Hahn MT, Potter-Bynoe GA, Stelling J, O'Brien TJ, Goldmann DA (2002), "Binary Cumulative Sums and Moving Averages in Nosocomial Infection Cluster Detection", Emerging Infectious Diseases, 8(12):1426-1432. |
Benneyan JC, Lloyd RC, Plsek PE (2003), "Statistical Process Control as a Tool for Research and Health Care Improvement", Quality and Safety in Healthcare, invited, 12(6):458-464. |
Benneyan JC, Borgman AD (2003), "Risk-Adjusted Sequential Probability Ratio Tests and Longitudinal Surveillance Methods", International Journal for Quality in Health Care, invited, 15(1):5-6. |
Benneyan JC (2006), "Discussion: Statistical Process Control Methods in Health Care", Journal of Quality Technology, invited, 38(2):113-123. |
Katz N, Adams E, Benneyan JC, et al. (2007), "Foundations of Opioid Risk Management", Clinical Journal of Pain, 23(2):103-118. |
Benneyan JC (2008), "Statistical Performance of Composite versus All-or-Nothing Measures of Core Measure Bundle Compliance: Which is Better?", Quality and Safety in Health Care, 17(3):227-227. |
Benneyan JC (2008), "The Design, Selection, and Performance of Statistical Process Control Charts for Healthcare Process Improvement", International Journal of Six Sigma, 4(3): 209-239. |
Parikh C, Zeid I, Benneyan JC, Kamarthi S (2008), "Analysis of Communication Between RFID Tags and Their Reader Using a Statistical Simulation Model", International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 32(2):128-134. |
Curran E, Harper P, Loveday H, Gilmour H, Jones S, Benneyan JC, Hood J, Pratt R (2008), "Results of a multi-centre randomised control trial of statistical process control charts and structured diagnostic tools to reduce ward-acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus - The CHART Project", Journal of Hospital Infection, 70(2):127-135. |
Benneyan JC, Sunnetci A, Ceyhan, M (2008), "Data Envelopment Models for Identifying and Benchmarking the Best Healthcare Systems", International Journal of Six Sigma, 4(3):305-331. |
Butler S, Budman S, Licari A, Lioy K, Dickinson J, Brownstein J, Benneyan J, Katz N (2008), "National Addictions Vigilance Intervention and Prevention Program: the NAVIPPRO System for Monitoring Prescription Drug Abuse Surveillance", Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 17(12):1142-54. |
Ok ZD, Isaacs JA, Benneyan JC (2008), "Risk Analysis Modeling of Production Costs and Occupational Health Exposure of SWNT Manufacturing", Journal of Industrial Ecology, Special Issue in Nanotechnology, 12(3):411-434. |
Aksezer CS, Benneyan JC (2010), "Assessing the Efficiency of Hospitals Operating under a Unique Owner: A Data Envelopment Application in the Presence of Missing Data", International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 7(1):53-75. |
Benneyan JC, Butler S, Villapiano A, Katz N, Duffy M, Budman S (2010), "Illustration of a Statistical Process Control Approach to Regional Prescription Opioid Abuse Surveillance", Journal of Addiction Medicine, 2010. |
Buyukozturk F, Carrier R, Benneyan JC (2010), "Impact of Emulsion-Based Drug Delivery Systems on Intestinal Permeability and Drug Release Kinetics", Journal of Controlled Release, 142(1):22-30. |
Benneyan JC, Taseli A (2010), "Exact and Approximate Probability Distributions of Evidence-Based Bundle Composite Compliance Measures", Health Care Management Science, 13(3):193-209. |
Chen B, Matis T, Benneyan JC (2011), "Improved one-sided control charts for the mean of a positively skewed population using truncated saddlepoint approximations", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, doi: 10.1002/qre.1194. |
Benneyan JC, Musdal H, Ceyhan MC, Shiner B, Watts BV (2012), "Specialty care single and multi-period location-allocation models within the veterans health administration", Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, doi: 10.1016/j.seps.2011.12.005. |
Peck JS, Benneyan JC, Nightingale DJ, Gaehde SA (2012), "Predicting Emergency Department Inpatient Admissions to Improve Same-Day Patient Flow", Academic Emergency Medicine, 19:1045-1054. |
Peck JS, Gaehde SA, Nightingale DJ, Gelman DY, Huckins DS, Lemons MF, Dickson EW, Benneyan JC (2013), "Generalizability of a Simple Approach for Predicting Hospital Admission from an Emergency Department", Academic Emergency Medicine, 20(11):1156-1163. |
Musdal H, Shiner B, Chen T, Ceyhan MC, Watts B, Benneyan JC (2014), "In-Person and Video-Based Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment for Veterans: A Location-Allocation Model", Military Medicine, 179(2):150-156. |
Peck JS, Benneyan JC, Nightingale DJ, Gaehde SA (2014), "Characterizing the Value of Predictive Analytics in Facilitating Hospital Patient Flow", IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 4:135-143. |
Serpil Mutlu, James Benneyan, John Terrell, Victoria Jordan & Ayten Turkcan (2015), "A co-availability scheduling model for coordinating multi-disciplinary care teams", International Journal of Production Research. |
Nourazari S, Hoch D, Capawanna S, Sipahi R, Benneyan J (2016), "Can improved specialty access moderate emergency department overuse?", Neurology Clinical Practice, Volume 6, Issue 6, pp 498-505. |
Chen B, Matis T, Benneyan J (2016), "Computing Exact Bundle Compliance Control Charts via Probability Generating Functions", Health Care Management Science, Volume 19, Issue 2, pp 103-111. |
Bettinger B, Benneyan J (2016), "The Volunteer's Dilemma and Alternate Solutions for Ensuring Responsibility within Accountable Care Organizations", The Engineering Economist. |
Wan H, Zhang L, Witz S, Musselman K, Yi F, Mullen C, Benneyan J, Zayas-Castro J, Rico F, Cure L, Martinez D (2016), "A Literature Review of Preventable Hospital Readmissions: 1998-2012", IIE Transactions on Healthcare. |
Baker A, Anderson D, Ergai A, Haridy S, Sexton D, Benneyan JC (Under Review), "Performance of Statistical Process Control Methods for Regional Surgical Site Infection Surveillance: A 10-Year Multi-Center, Multi-State Pilot Study", BMJ Quality and Safety. |
Musdal H, Benneyan JC (2010) "Systems Engineering Approaches to Traumatic Brain Injury" |
Delice SD, Benneyan JC (2010) "Readmissions from a Statistical Process Control Perspective" |
Mutlu S, Benneyan JC (2011) " Surgical Team Co-scheduling" |
Mutlu S, Benneyan JC (2011) "Co-availability Scheduling Models to Enable Care Team Coordination" |
Karakus Z, Taseli A, Benneyan JC (2011) "Applied Statistical Process Control Methods to Neonatalogy Quality Improvement" |
Bettinger B, Benneyan JC (2011) "Applications of Game Theory to Cooperative Competition in Health Care" |
Delice SD, Benneyan JC (2011) "Systems Engineering Approaches to Preventable Hospital Readmissions" |
Erdogan O, Ceyhan ME, Benneyan JC (2011) "Opportunities of Inventory Management in Health Care" |
Sinangil S, Ceyhan ME, Benneyan JC (2011) "System Engineering Approaches of Location-Allocation Specialty Care Services" |
Karakus Z, Taseli A, Benneyan JC (2011) "Opportunities for Design of Experiments in Health Care" |
Swenson E, Gonzalez A, Kash B, Schmulson J, Benneyan JC (2017) "Value Based Care: Challenges of a Changing Paradigm" |
National Presentations