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Online Training Materials

HSyE's mission includes fostering broader awareness and training in healthcare systems engineering, ranging from online lectures and exercises through more formal programs. Please feel free to browse below or contact us if we can provide other assistance or customized training.

A 16-part series covering healthcare applications of a range of common systems engineering methods, including process improvement, human factors, reliability, modeling, optimization and design. Can be viewed separately, with accompanying quizzes, or towards a certificate of completion of 12 core + elective topics.

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Online interactive modules based on four classic training exercises about natural and special cause variation, statistical control charts, variation reduction, process tampering, and designed experiments (Deming's red bead experiment, Nelson's funnel exercise, dice process variation exercise, Box's catapult experiment).

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Plenary lectures, grand rounds, and presentations by HSyE personnel on various key topics in healthcare systems engineering, quality control, process improvement, design, and safety methods.

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