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Improved Access Projects 

We work closely here at HSyE with the Veterans Affairs Centers in the Northeastern United States to help to provide quality care to our veterans. We work alongside the VA medical centers and clinics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Worcester Polytechnic Institute, with the goal of designing and installing systems to optimize the healthcare experiences of veterans and staff. This partnership with the nation's largest integrated healthcare system provides an opportunity for our research and applications to improve the lives of millions of veterans and their families.


  1. Statistical methods for quality, patient safety, and risk-benefit analysis;

  2. Data envelopment analysis models to identify best healthcare practices;

  3. Network-wide models for optimizing care processes for traumatic brain injury (TBI);

  4. Effectiveness and improvement readiness assessment methods; and

  5. Informatics, natural language processing, and data mining/extraction.

Partners & Research Team

PI: Dr. Benneyan

Graduate Students: Kevin Strong, Erin Joyce

Health System: Kevin and Erin Hospital

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