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About Us >> Openings


We are seeking qualified, curious, and like-minded individuals to join our team and contribute to our overarching healthcare improvement mission. There are a variety of ways to get involved, ranging from undergraduate through post-doctoral student levels, visiting fellows and sabbaticals, and full-time staff and faculty. We invite you to browse our website and to contact us for more information or to discuss any of the below opportunities.


Dr. James C. Benneyan


Contact Us



Healthcare Industrial Engineering Faculty

The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Northeastern University invites exceptional applications for two tenure-track/tenured faculty positions in healthcare industrial engineering, broadly defined, at the Associate and Full Professor levels. A doctorate in industrial engineering, operations research, healthcare management science, or a closely related field is required. Successful candidates are expected to develop or continue a funded research program, work closely with our university-level Healthcare Systems Engineering Institute, and excel in teaching. Applicants with exceptional qualifications at the assistant professor level will also be considered. Both position will remain open until filled. Click here for the complete job description.



CMS/CMMI Center Project Manager

Day-to-day operational, administrative, project management, relationship management, reporting. Click here for complete job description.


Postdoctoral Research Associate

Talented and motivated post-doctoral fellows with a strong background in statistics, operations research, and industrial engineering are encouraged to contact us. Post-doctoral positions are available throughout the year. All postdoc fellows participate in a structured mentoring and career development fellowship program to help advance their careers, including some combination of research, teaching, mentoring, and application components, along with a schedule of faculty mentoring. Different tracks are available depending on if the postdoc wants to pursue an academic, research, or industry career. Click here for job posting.

Graduate Students

Graduate Student Assistantships


To be considered for a graduate assistantship position, please email your resume, transcripts, contact information for three references, writing sample (project summary, thesis abstract, sample publication), and answers to the below questions to, attention: Professor James Benneyan. If your qualifications meet our specific requirements, we will contact you to set up a phone interview. 


Why do you think you are a good fit to our research team?
Briefly summarize your previous research accomplishments.
Briefly describe your experience applying theoretical methods to real world problems and any lessons learned.
List any peer reviewed publications and conference presentations.

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate Research Projects

1 to 4 credit research projects exist for exceptional undergraduate students interested in healthcare industrial engineering. Examples of past projects include surgery scheduling simulation, avoidable rehospitalization, predictive modeling, analysis of hospital infection data, and literature reviews on patient no-shows, innovation centers, and specialty care centers. Preference is given to students with high GPAs, prior healthcare experience, or potential interest in exploring graduate school.

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