Closing the Loop by Operationalizing Systems Engineering and Design (CLOSED)
Specific Aims :
Aim 1:​Use systems engineering and patient engagement to design, develop, and refine a highly reliable “closed loop” system for diagnostic tests and referrals that ensures diagnostic orders and follow-up occur reliably within clinically- and patient-important time-frames.
Aim 2: Use systems engineering and patient engagement to design, develop, and refine a highly reliable “closed loop” system for symptoms that ensures clinicians receive and act on feedback about evolving symptoms and physical findings of concern to patients or clinicians.
Aim 3: Design for generalizability across health systems more broadly so that the processes created in Aims 1 and 2 are effective in (1) a practice in an underserved community, (2) a large tele-medicine system, and (3) a representative range of simulated other health system settings and populations.
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Results to Date:
Katie Smith

Catarina Smith is an industrial engineer and aspiring project manager in her 5th and final year at Northeastern University. Her background comprises of experience in the private sector and academia. She specializes in project management, process optimization, and business development.
Catarina’s professional experience encompasses several diverse assignments. She worked as the Star Wars project management co-op at Hasbro toys in 2015, where she lead a cross-functional team in weekly meetings, developed and implemented tracking tools, and managed the schedules for the European product development team. Currently, she is employed at the Healthcare Systems Engineering Institute as a project manager and research assistant. Her projects include managing and improving the internal publishing process, working with management to create and implement a new business model, and conducting research on three HSyE projects: EHRLL Mount Auburn, W.T. Grant Foster Care, and MMC Graduate Medical Enducation.
Catarina will graduate on May 4th, 2018 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Industrial Engineering, a Master’s of Science in Engineering Management, and Minor in Business Administration.
Project Involvement at HSyE
Joined HSyE: January 2017
Hometown: Roseville, California
Education: B.S. Industrial Engineering, M.S Engineering Management, Northeastern University (2018)
Research Interests: Operations Research, Mixed Methods
Hobbies: Botany, Cake Decorating, Cosplaying