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Research >> NSF Research Center

National Science Foundation Research Center


To identify and solve meaningful problems of common interest, expose and embed engineers in healthcare environments and develop the necessary next generation of practitioners to accomplish
widespread transformation.

Sub Projects 2017

Costs and Consequences of Poor Care Access
System Analysis of Graduate Medical Education Processes
Value-Based Care: Challenges of a Changing Paradigm
New Methods for Reducing Adverse Events and Harmful Overuse

Sub Projects 2016


The Center for Health Organization Transformation (CHOT) is a federally awarded National Science Foundation industry-university collaborative research center, co-funded by roughly 24 health systems across the U.S., to accelerate applied research and workforce development that integrates healthcare systems engineering, health services research, and health policy. In addition to the Northeastern University site (Benneyan, principal investigator), the consortium includes renowned faculty at three other universities – Georgia Institute of Technology, Pennsylvania State University, Texas A&M University – and healthcare systems in seven states.


Partners & Research Team

Maine Medical Center

Partners Health (Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
MC Anderson Cancer Center
Seattle Children’s Hospital
Veteran’s Health Administration
Philips Healthcare
The MITRE Corporation

Sub Projects

Modeling ACOs as Macro Integrated Systems of Care
Analysis and Reduction of Practice Variation
Robust and Adaptive Optimal Healthcare Staff Scheduling
Improvements to Root Cause Analysis of Patient Safety Events

Sub Projects 2015

Characterizing and Reducing Avoidable Outside Utilization
Predictive Models for System Utilization, Capacity, and Flow Optimization
Shared Commons Game Theory Models to Improve Antibiotic Stewardship
Bundle Science Statistical Models and Analysis
Healthcare Improvement Spread Models

Sub Projects 2014

Sustaining and Spreading Best Practices: Leadership and Diffusion Networks
Financial Incentives in Infection Control and Re-Hospitalizations
ED Flow Optimization of Output, Non-Emergent Rerouting, and Observation Units
Appointment Access and Engineering Control of Healthcare Systems (Phase 2)

Sub Projects 2013

Statistical Characterization and Competitive Games in Readmissions
Readmission Economic Modeling
Using Experimental Design to Accelerate Healthcare Improvement
Appointment Access and Engineering Control of Healthcare Systems
Real-Time Location Systems in Healthcare
Linked Procedures and Co-Available Resource Scheduling

Sub Projects 2012

Statistical Characterization and Competitive Games in Readmissions
Readmission Economic Modeling
Using Experimental Design to Accelerate Healthcare Improvement
Appointment Access and Engineering Control of Healthcare Systems
Real-Time Location Systems in Healthcare
Linked Procedures and Co-Available Resource Scheduling

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