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Nathan Holler

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Joined HSyE: July 2017
Hometown: Palo Alto, California
Education: BS, Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University (2020) MS, Operations Research, Northeastern University (2020)

Research Interests: Healthcare Quality Improvement, QALY

Hobbies: cooking, music, ukulele, creative writing.

Nathan is a undergrad student at Northeastern University perusing a Bachelor of Science in  Industrial Engineering, a Master’s of Science in Operations Research, and Minor in Mathematics. He is passionate about improving the healthcare system for patients and doctors. He enjoys working with multidisciplinary teams to hear the opinions of those at different points along a project.

In his free time Nathan likes to cook and hang out with friends. He also like to explore Boston or the city he is in and find hole in the wall places. He also teaches himself the ukulele and likes to go see his favorite bands live when they are in town.       

Project Involvement at HSyE

Duke SPC


Graduate Medical Education 

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